
Set the Perfect Thanksgiving Table

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I am attempting to make it to the grocery store today and to beat the crowds that I am sure will be large on Wednesday. I am so excited about doing my favorite recipes for our Thanksgiving feast. My husband was looking over my shoulder last night as I was making my shopping list and asked, "You are making those awesome brussel sprouts, right?". Of course! (oh, add butter to the grocery list)! 

Hot Chocolate for Winter Month

Brrrrr, it is cold out there in Chicago today. I went out for a dog walk this morning and found myself running back into the house for a heavier jacket. Even Grohe our dog, looked at me with that, oh no, "another 6 months of this?" look?! But, once I get the heat rolling in the house (which I put on for the first time in six months last night) and get used to the cold again, I have to admit I do love winter. Today I find myself working from the home office and craving something hot and sweet and found this amazing recipe online for Mexican Hot Chocolate. What a perfect afternoon I have planned of sipping yummy hot chocolate and dreaming about snow falling and the holidays approaching. 

Holiday Candle- Ali's Favorite Things

I love the Holidays! And one of my favorite things is taking out the Frasier Fir scented candle from Thymes and listening to the music of the season while I work. I originally posted about this last year but have to include it this year in my favorite finds!

New Year's Eve in Chicago

Like many of us, I am currently wondering what to do on New Year's Eve. We typically pick the more mellow route of dinner at home or maybe out at our favorite local place, Piazza Bella, located in Roscoe Village. They still have some reservations left and Tina's lasagna will knock your socks off.

Thanksgiving in Chicago

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year. I love to cook and will be cooking for about twelve people on Thursday. But is wedding planning keeping you so busy that you don't want to cook? No worries, Chicago has some great options if you want to eat out.

Summer is not over, enjoy the outdoors this Labor Day Weekend in Chicago

I woke up this morning and it feels like fall a little bit, but this quick cool weather will be replaced Sunday with warm and sunny yet again for the Labor Day Weekend in Chicago. Needs ideas for what to do this weekend? Take a break from wedding planning, get out there and enjoy all the city has to offer. 

Valentine's Day in Chicago

It is four days before Valentine's Day, fresh snow on the ground in Chicago and the internet is all-abuzz with Valentine's Day tips and ideas on what do give or do with your loved one. Here are some fun ideas that I thought of that are wonderful things to do with your soon to be spouse or loved ones. 

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!!  This is one of my favorite times of the year. I will probably spend it out on the lake with good friends, good food and a good bottle of wine.   I was looking for some fun party favors and snacks when I came across these really cool patriotic cupcakes on Martha Stewart! What a cute and adorable centerpiece. Enjoy the wonderful festivities, be safe and god bless America.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas to everyone today and Happy Holidays. May today bring you close to your family and friends as you celebrate this Holiday Season. I am just back from a lovely trip to Jamaica (9 whole days of golf, sun bathing and relaxing)!